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Stratagem Consulting provides expert advisory services to senior executives for strategy development and innovative solutions, from front end planning to complete project execution.


By maintaining a delicate and tactful approach, we aim to give breathing space to the project leaders and facilitate project leaders to maintain a global view on all elements of a project life cycle.

Key contact



Michel Lamarre

+61 417 744 055


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Stratagem Culture represented within its branding

We have attempted to embody our culture in the design of our logo; the fineness of the lowercase letters used in the word "stratagem" demonstrates the delicate and tactful approach shown by Stratagem Consulting. Wide spaces between letters allow the logo to "breathe", to allow a "second wind"  to our client during those more difficult phases of a project life. The word "Consulting" is written in capital letters to offer a foundation, representing the strong experience of the consultants. Overall, the minimalist style reflects a serene image, free from all encumbrances.

The orange line represents several elements: 

  • Its flexibility demonstrates how Stratagem Consulting may intervene in all phases of a project.
  • It represents the ups and downs of a project. 
  • Orange colour recalls the colour of construction and provides warmth, which is an asset for a consulting firm.

  Note: Logo design / concept and portrait by Olivier Lamarre