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Stratagem Consulting provides expert advisory services to senior executives for strategy development and innovative solutions, from front end planning to complete project execution.


By maintaining a delicate and tactful approach, we aim to give breathing space to the project leaders and facilitate project leaders to maintain a global view on all elements of a project life cycle.

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Michel Lamarre

+61 417 744 055


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What we do

Stratagem Consulting’s principal objective lays in assisting both client and construction firm project leaders in achieving and maintaining a high altitude view of their project. It is so common for project leaders to begin projects with a high level view; however as time goes by, project complexity increases and teams grow in numbers, a tendency can develop to “lower altitude” and focus only on a small portion of the project. This can and does rob other areas of attention, resulting in less effective - and ultimately more costly - performance.


Ideally, project leaders could maintain their helicopter view at all times. The leader would keep searching for disturbance areas by monitoring the project dashboard. Whenever it is required to “drop” altitude, the leader should be able to zoom in, look into an issue, give directions/discuss ways to solve it, and then zoom out and up quickly. Follow-ups and open communication lines later ensure that the issue has been resolved. Sounds simple…  it is not.


Stratagem consulting provides professional services to companies within the construction and engineering industries, its main objective in helping clients exceed industry standards and improve performance. We possess a keen insight into facilitating projects and mitigating risk. Whether you’re an owner, contractor, or other construction professional, we can assist you in achieving project success by maintaining tight and effective control of all elements of a project life cycle.